Coroutine Composition with Tasks

This blog post explores the semantics of coroutine composition by examining a simplified implementation of the task type.

All of the code for this post is available on Github. I successfully built and ran the examples used here under both GCC (g++ 10.1) on Ubunutu and Clang (clang++ 11.0) on OSX.


As suggested in the above summary, the implementation of task explored in this post lacks a number of key features that would be necessary for it to see use in non-trivial code. First and foremost, our task does not support returning values upon task completion. I made the decision to omit return values from this task implementation because I find that the necessity of dealing with generics (via templates) in the implementation distracts from the primary objective of the post which is to understand coroutine composition.

Another feature missing from this implementation of task is thread safety - it is not safe to utilize this task type in a multithreaded program. We will look at the potential races inherent in this limited implementation later on in the post.

For a more complete, production-quality task implementation, see the task.hpp header in the cppcoro library library on Github.

Introduction: What is a task?

In general, asynchronous programming terms, a task is merely a unit of work. For our purposes here, we’ll be slightly more specific and define a task as a lazily-evaluated asynchronous computation. The asynchronous portion of this definition implies that the evaluation of a task may take place whilst other work is being performed in the system and that we may have many tasks active simultaneously while the lazy nature of a task implies that the computation required by the task is not started until we are certain that its value will be required by some higher-level component in the system.

You would be correct in thinking that this definition sounds an awful lot like certain asynchronous programming primitives already available in C++, namely std::future. We can launch a task with std::async() which returns a std::future for the result of the task (alternatively, we could launch the task manually and subsequently obtain the std::future from a std::promise we create via std::promise::get_future()). However, there are a number of reasons that std::future fails to meet the requirements necessary for a robust task-based parallelism abstraction for C++., namely the obvious performance concerns and the current inability to easily compose them. The most important thing to understand about tasks is that distinct tasks do not necessarily imply distinct execution contexts, the most familiar of which would be an operating system thread. This implies that many tasks are capable of sharing the same execution context which (often) greatly reduces the overhead of creating new tasks and destroying them when they complete.

The introduction of coroutines allow us to make significant progress towards true task-based parallelism, and the task type we implement here serves as a fundamental building block in the larger space of parallel programming abstractions.

Basic Usage of the task Type

Before exploring the nature of coroutine composition, let’s first ensure that we understand the basics of how the task type behaves. The header task_v0.hpp contains the definition of a barebones task type. We’ll start at the top-level task type and work our way down through both task_promise and task_awaiter to ensure that we understand all of the moving pieces.

The constructor and destructor for the task type are unsurprising. A task is an RAII wrapper for the coroutine to which it is attached, so we contruct a task with the coroutine handle to the coroutine to which it refers and upon destruction of the task instance we destroy the associated coroutine frame.

task(coro_handle_type coro_handle_)
    : coro_handle{coro_handle_} {}

    if (coro_handle)

Next up we see that task defines operator co_await that returns a task_awaiter:

task_awaiter operator co_await();

The body of operator co_await for task is defined later, after the definition of the task_awaiter type. All the operator does is construct and return a new task_awaiter from the coroutine handle owned by the task.

task_awaiter task::operator co_await()
    return task_awaiter{this->coro_handle};

Finally, task implements a resume() member function:

bool resume()
    if (!coro_handle.done())

    return !coro_handle.done();

This function is only here so that we can manually resume the root task in our example program. A production task implementation would likely not implement such a method because, in general, we don’t want to be manually driving our tasks; instead, we would rely upon some other event source, such as an IO reactor servicing network requests to resume suspended tasks and drive them toward completion.

Next up is the task_awaiter type. In the case of task_awaiter, the three member functions required to implement the awaiter interface are trivial:

bool await_ready()
    return false;

void await_suspend(coro_handle_type awaiting_coro_)

void await_resume() {}

The task_awaiter unconditionally reports that it is not ready in its await_ready() member. In await_suspend(), we unconditionally resume the coroutine to which this awaiter is attached, and subsequently yield control back to the caller (indicated by the void return type of await_suspend()). In await_resume() we are given the opportunity to determine the final result of the co_await expression that created this task_awaiter, but our task type does not return a value, so it does not make sense to return anything here, hence we do nothing.

The final piece of the puzzle is the task_promise type which determines the properties of any coroutine that returns our task.

The get_return_object() member simply constructs a new task from a coroutine handle to the associated coroutine:

task get_return_object()
    return task{coro_handle_type::from_promise(*this)};

We return suspend_always{} from our initial_suspend() member in order to ensure that our task type is lazy - the body of the coroutine that returns a task does not begin executing until the returned task is co_awaited upon by the caller. If instead we returned suspend_never{}, our task would be launched as soon as we called the coroutine that returns a task instance.

auto initial_suspend()
    return stdcoro::suspend_always{};

Our final_suspend() also returns suspend_always{} to ensure that our task is a proper RAII wrapper; we want the coroutine frame for the coroutine associated with a task to remain “alive” until the task has been destroyed. If we instead specified suspend_never{} here, the coroutine frame would be destroyed immediately after execution of the body of the coroutine completed and we would no longer have control over the lifetime of the coroutine frame.

auto final_suspend()
    return stdcoro::suspend_always{};

The final two members of the task_promise type are deeply uninteresting. Our return_void() is a no-op, and we punt on error handling and simply terminate the program in the event that an exception propagates out of the coroutine body.

void return_void() {}

void unhandled_exception() noexcept

This is all that is required to implement a simple task type that enables lazy, asynchronous computation.

Now that we’ve walked through the internals of the type, let’s take it for a spin. The example0.cpp program employs our task type in a very straightforward setting. We define a single coroutine async_task() that returns a task object. In the body of the async_task() coroutine we simply suspend execution of the coroutine once by co_awaiting on suspend_always{}.

task async_task()
    co_await stdcoro::suspend_always{};

The body of main() simply constructs a new task and subsequently invokes task::resume() in order resume its execution.

auto t = async_task();

Notice that we need to invoke task::resume() twice in order to drive the coroutine to completion; because the task type is lazy, execution of the body of async_task() does not begin until the first time that we resume() the task. The first time around, execution reaches the co_await suspend_always{} statement and returns to the caller. When we resume the coroutine once more by invoking resume() on its task, we pick up immediately after the co_await on suspend_always{} and subsequently fall off the end of the coroutine body.

The code in example0.cpp includes some trace() statements that simply print out a message along with the function from which they are called. Executing example0 produces the following output which confirms our theoretical understanding of how the task type should behave:

[main] enter
[main] after call to async_task()
[async_task] enter
[main] after task::resume() #1
[async_task] exit
[main] after task::resume #2
[main] exit

Composing Coroutines with task: A First Try

Alright enough talk about the task type itself; let’s see how we can use task to compose coroutines and create nested asynchronous operations.

The program example1.cpp contains the setup for this experiment. Using the same task type that we implemented previously, it sets up a chain of nested coroutines.

task completes_synchronously()

task coro_2()
    co_await completes_synchronously();

task coro_1()
    co_await coro_2();

task coro_0()
    co_await coro_1();

The main() function behaves exactly as before, creating a task by invoking coro_0() and invoking task::resume() on the returned task until the task reports that it is complete:

int main()
    auto t = coro_0();
    while (t.resume());

If we run the example1 program, the following output is produced:

[coro_0] enter
[coro_1] enter
[coro_2] enter
[completes_synchronously] enter
[completes_synchronously] exit
[coro_0] exit

If you’re anything like me, this result might surprise you the first time you see it. What happened here? All three of our coroutines began execution of their bodies as we would expect, and the completes_synchronously() coroutine runs to completion synchronously (as the name implies), but after this we only see the statement that acknowledges resumption of the coroutine coro_0() and the coro_1() and coro_2() coroutines are never resumed and thus never complete.

What one might expect to see (or perhaps want to see) is resumption of coro_2() after completes_synchronously() completes, followed by coro_1(), and finally coro_0() - as if our coroutines formed a structure that was built up and subsequently torn down according to the same rules. But this expectation is a symptom of a misunderstanding of the way coroutines work, and to see this we need only more closely consider the execution flow of our example program.

The traversal “down” the coroutine chain is uninteresting and proceeds exactly as one would expect. At the bottom of the stack, coro_2() waits on the result of completes_synchronously() with co_await to begin execution of this synchronous task. It is important to realize here, however, that the statement co_await completes_synchronously() has two implications for coro_2():

  1. It suspends execution of coro_2() and
  2. It transfers control to completes_synchronously()

Now, when completes_synchronously() subsequently completes and immediately returns to its caller, coro_2() is still suspended and thus cannot resume its execution even though the task upon which it co_awaited is complete. In this way, control flow propagates all the way back up to main() where the second “issue” arises. In main(), we only have access to the task created by the call to coro_0(), and when we invoke task::resume() on this task, naturally it is coro_0() that is resumed.

We might think that it would make sense at this point for coro_0() to resume coro_1() (and so on down to coro_2()) because the co_await in these coroutines has also been satisfied, but coro_0() has no responsibility and indeed not even an ability to resume the task upon which it co_awaited - all coro_0() “knows” is that the wait was satisfied, nothing more about the state of execution of coro_1().

This situation should help to develop an intuition for an extremely important concept when programming with C++ coroutines: when a coroutine suspends, it is up to that coroutine to schedule itself for resumption at some point in the future. In our current implementation, all three of our coroutines suspend their execution with a co_await, but they do not take any steps to ensure that they will later be resumed; the only reason that we see coro_0 complete is the top-level “external” resumption of this coroutine by the call to task::resume() in main(), but this facility does nothing for the nested coroutines coro_1() and coro_2().

The missing piece of our implementation emerges from the preceding paragraphs; what we need to fix our task type is some way by which a task-returning coroutine may immediately resume execution of its caller upon completion. This way, when a co_await on a task is satisfied, the coroutine that is performing the co_await may immediately be resumed by the task once it completes.

Composing Coroutines with task: Adding Continuations

The addition that we need is called a continuation. Continuations are another general concept in asynchronous programming that allow one to express the idea: “do Y once X completes.” A more familiar example of a continuation is the .then() method of a future (as yet still missing from the standard library implementation but available in other libraries e.g. boost::future) which allows one to chain the next computation that should be performed with the result of the future instead of blocking with a call to .get().

With coroutines, adding continuations to the task type means that we need to implement some mechanism by which task B, after being launched by a co_await in task A, may subsequently resume execution of the coroutine associated with task A once it completes.

The code changes required to implement continuations for our task type are relatively minor and all take place within the task_promise and task_awaiter types.

First, the task_awaiter. The only change here is in the await_suspend() member:

void await_suspend(stdcoro::coroutine_handle<> awaiting_coro)
    coro_handle.promise().continuation = awaiting_coro;

Here, coro_handle is the coroutine handle with which the task_awaiter was constructed, which means it is the coroutine handle for the task that is co_awaited upon. In contrast, awaiting_coro is the coroutine handle for the coroutine in which co_await <expr that produces task> is invoked. The specification of the await_suspend() member of the awaiter interface tells us that this handle is always passed to the co_awaited upon coroutine in this way. We then take this handle to the coroutine that is suspending itself and store it in the promise object for the coroutine to which control is now being transferred.

The updates to task_promise complete the picture. All of the changes are in the final_suspend() member:

auto final_suspend()
    struct final_awaiter
        task_promise& me;

        bool await_ready()
            return false;

        void await_suspend(coro_handle_type)
            if (me.continuation)

        void await_resume() {}

    return final_awaiter{*this};

Whereas in our previous implementation final_suspend() returned suspend_always{} to unconditionally suspend itself at the coroutine’s final suspend label, we now return a final_awaiter type that implements the awaiter interface. Now when a task-returning coroutine completes and the compiler implicitly inserts the call to co_await p.await_suspend() (where p is the notional promise object for the coroutine), the await_suspend() member of the final_awaiter is invoked and, if a continuation has been registered by way of another coroutine co_awaiting on the current one, the awaiting coroutine is immediately resumed via the coroutine handle stored in the promise.

The updated implementation of the task type is included in the task_v1.hpp header. The example2.cpp program is identical to example1.cpp apart from the fact that it utilizes the updated task implementation. Executing example2 demonstrates the desired behavior for our task:

[main] enter
[coro_0] enter
[coro_1] enter
[coro_2] enter
[completes_synchronously] enter
[completes_synchronously] exit
[coro_2] exit
[coro_1] exit
[coro_0] exit
[main] exit

Concluding Thoughts

In this post we explored the basics of coroutine composition by developing a task type that supports continuations. While simple and not sufficiently robust to be used in production code, our task type demonstrates many of the concepts that one must understand and internalize in order to write programs that make effective use of asynchrony and coroutines.

Written on August 6, 2020