Awaitable System Timers

C++20 coroutines enable many interesting asynchronous programming constructs of their own accord, including co_awaitable synchronization primitives, generator functions, and asynchronous algorithms, to name just a few. However, the power of coroutines really shines when we integrate them with an external event source such as IO completions or timer expirations.

In this post we will explore the latter subject by constructing an awaitable_timer type that utilizes the underlying system’s native timer facilities to delay resumption of a coroutine until after some delay has elapsed. While this may not seem like a particulary useful primitive on its own, the concepts that we’ll cover will be generally applicable to integrating coroutines with any asynchronous system event.

The Interface

Before we consider the implementation details, let’s take a quick look at the interface that we’re trying to achieve. With our awaitable_timer time, we’ll be able to write coroutines such as the one below:

task<void> async_work()
    awaitable_timer two_seconds{2s};

    // do some work

    // suspend this coroutine for two seconds
    co_await two_seconds;

    // do more work after 2 seconds has elapsed

Different Systems, Different Timers

Naturally, the timer facilities available to us as application-level developers vary widely based on the operating system on which our program will run. In order to get a feel for how coroutines may be integrated with different OS APIs, I’ve implemented the awaitable_timer construct on three different platforms utilizing each system’s native API for asynchronous event management:

  • Linux backed by epoll and timerfd
  • OSX backed kqueue
  • Windows backed by the Windows Threadpool
  • Windows backed by IO completion port

As we’ll see, the distinct interfaces exposed by each of these system APIs influence the way in which we implement our awaitable_timer type.

Without further ado, let’s get started.

Linux: epoll and timerfd

First up, we’ll look at the implementation of awaitable_timer on Linux using epoll and the timerfd API. The code for this portion of the post is located in the nix-epoll directory on Github.

This is not intended to be a post discussing the details or advanced usage of either of these Linux-specific interfaces (there are many great resources on this topic already), but we’ll quickly cover the background necessary to understand the timer implementation.

The epoll API is Linux’s native IO multiplexing interface. It is similar to poll in that it allows one to simultaneously monitor many open file descriptors for activity, but it scales much more effectively to large numbers of file descriptors because of some significant differences in their internal implementations.

The core epoll API consists of just three function function calls:

  • epoll_create() or epoll_create1(): This function creates a new epoll instance and returns a file descriptor that refers to this instance. The original epoll_create() accepts a hint that specifies the expected number of file descriptors that will be monitored by this epoll instance. However, this hint is ignored by all Linux kernel versions later than 2.6.8. For this reason, the epoll_create1() function was introduced; this updated variant no longer accepts a hint and instead allows the caller to specify flags that modify the behavior of the created instance. We will not concern ourselves with the flags argument to epoll_create1() in our timer implementation.
  • epoll_ctl(): This function allows us to manipulate the interest list for a specified epoll instance. Supported operations include adding file descriptors to and removing file descriptors from the interest list as well as modifying the context associated with a particular file descriptor on the interest list.
  • epoll_wait(): This function allows us to wait for readiness events on any of the file descriptors on the interest list for a particular epoll instance. We pass an array of epoll_event structures and upon return these structures are populated with information for each ready file descriptor, including the event that made the file descriptor ready (e.g. readable, writeable) and the context that was associated with the descriptor at the time the descriptor was added to the interest list.

Next up, the basics of timerfd. The timerfd API allows us to create system timers that are represented by file descriptors. The only two timerfd API functions that we need to know for this post are the following:

  • timerfd_create() This function creates a new timer instance and returns a file descriptor that refers to this timer. At the the time of creation, a timer is not yet set to expire.
  • timerfd_settime(): This function arms a timer created by a previous call to timerfd_create() such that it will expire at some point in the future. The API allows for specification of the expiration time in either absolute or relative terms, but we will only consider relative timeouts in this post. Furthermore, the timerfd_settime() function also allows us to specify whether we would like the timer to be periodic or expire only once. Because our ultimate goal is to construct a timer type upon which we can co_await and such an operation is intended to be a one-shot delay of execution, we are not interested in periodic timers for the purposes of our timer implementation.

The timerfd API integrates beautifully with epoll because it allows us to the register each timer in which we are interested with the epoll instance via the standard epoll_ctl() call. Whenever a timer expires, the timer becomes ready and a thread currently monitoring for readiness events via epoll_wait() will be woken up.

The program vanilla.cpp demonstrates basic use of the epoll and timerfd APIs to implement a basic system for executing select code after a specified delay.

The setup should be familiar after reading the preceding paragraphs. First we create both the epoll instance and the timer that the epoll instance will monitor. In the code below, the unique_fd type is simply a C++ RAII wrapper around UNIX-style file descriptors.

auto instance = unique_fd{::epoll_create1(0)};
if (!instance)
    throw system_error{};

auto timer = unique_fd{::timerfd_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0)};
if (!timer)
    throw system_error{};

The next thing we need to consider is the context that we want to associate with the file descriptor for our timer when we add it to the interest list for the epoll instance. The context that we specify will be made available to us at the time the timer expires as it is “attached” to the timer file descriptor in the epoll interest list and is subsequently returned to us via a successful call to epoll_wait(). For the purposes of this example, all we want to do when a timer expires is invoke a callback that is capable of re-arming the timer. Thus, our context consists of a function pointer to a callback function and the argument that is supplied to the callback which is simply the underlying file descriptor for the timer.

// at global scope
using expiration_callback_f = void (*)(int);

struct expiration_ctx
    int                   fd;
    expiration_callback_f cb;

// in main()
expiration_ctx ctx{ timer.get(), &on_timer_expiration };

Now that we have the context for the timer specified, we can register the timer with the epoll instance. When a timerfd timer expires, the file descriptor is considered readable, so when adding the timer to the epoll interest list we specify that we are interested in readable-readiness on this file descriptor with the EPOLLIN flag.

struct epoll_event ev;   = EPOLLIN; = &ctx;

if (::epoll_ctl(instance.get(), EPOLL_CTL_ADD, timer.get(), &ev) == -1)
    throw system_error{};

The final two things that we do in the body of main() are arm the timer to expire in 2 seconds and begin running the reactor loop. arm_timer() is really just a wrapper around timerfd_settime() that arms the timer to expire once (i.e non-periodically) after the specified delay.

template <typename Duration>
void arm_timer(int timer_fd, Duration timeout)
    using namespace std::chrono;

    auto const secs = duration_cast<seconds>(timeout);

    // non-periodic timer
    struct itimerspec spec = {
        .it_interval = { 0, 0 },
        .it_value = { secs.count(), 0 }

    int const res = ::timerfd_settime(timer_fd, 0, &spec, nullptr);
    if (-1 == res)
        throw system_error{};

Finally, in the body of reactor(), we monitor the epoll instance for timer expirations via a call to epoll_wait(). When a timer expires, we extract the context argument from the struct epoll_event that is populated by epoll_wait() and invoke the callback stored therein. The callback simply prints a message acknowledging that the timer fired and subsequently re-arms the timer to expire again. This process continues until the specified number of expirations is reached at which point we stop monitoring for events on the epoll instance and simply drop out of the loop.

for (auto count = 0ul; count < n_expirations; ++count)
    int const n_events = ::epoll_wait(epoller, &ev, 1, -1);
    if (-1 == n_events)
        throw system_error{};

    if ( & EPOLLIN)
        auto& ctx = *reinterpret_cast<expiration_ctx*>(;

Executing vanilla without any arguments runs the reactor() loop for 5 iterations before exiting. For each iteration, we see the message acknowledging expiration of our timer:

$ ./vanilla
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired

Now that we understand the basics of setting and waiting for system timers with epoll and timerfd, how do we integrate this coroutines to create and awaitable_timer?

The implementation for our awaitable_timer type is provided in the awaitable_timer.hpp header.

The constructor for awaitable_timer accepts the file descriptor for the epoll instance that will monitor for timer expirations and the delay after which this timer should fire. In the body of the constructor we simply create a new timer via timerfd_create() and subsequently associate the file descriptor for this timer with with epoll instance via epoll_ctl(). Notice that at this point that we do not arm the timer because we need to defer this operation until the point at which we co_await upon the awaitable_timer instance.

template <typename Duration>
awaitable_timer(int const ioc_, Duration timeout)
    : ioc{ioc_}
    , fd{::timerfd_create(CLOCK_REALTIME, 0)}
    , async_ctx{}
    // ...

    struct epoll_event ev{};   = EPOLLIN; = static_cast<void*>(&async_ctx);

    int const res = ::epoll_ctl(ioc, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, fd, &ev);

    // ... 

    auto const sec_ = duration_cast<seconds>(timeout);
    auto const ns_  = duration_cast<nanoseconds>(timeout) 
        - duration_cast<nanoseconds>(sec_);

    sec = sec_;
    ns  = ns_;

When we register the timer with the epoll instance we specify a pointer to the awaitable_timer’s async_ctx member as the context associated with the file descriptor. Here, async_ctx is simply a wrapper around the coroutine_handle<> for the coroutine that will eventually be resumed upon timer expiration. We achieve this by specifying on_timer_expire() as the callback function that the thread running the reactor should invoke when a timer expires and providing the async_ctx pointer as an argument to this callback (via an opaque void* pointer) which we can then use to resume the waiting coroutine.

struct async_context
    stdcoro::coroutine_handle<> awaiting_coro;

// ...

static void on_timer_expire(void* ctx)
    auto* async_ctx = static_cast<async_context*>(ctx);

The final interesting part of the awaitable_timer class is the implementation of operator co_await() which returns the awaiter type and allows our awaitable_timer to be co_awaited upon. Both await_ready() and await_resume() are no-ops. await_suspend() stores a reference to the awaiting coroutine in the async_ctx member of the awaitable_timer instance upon which co_await is invoked and subsequently arms the timer owned by this instance. This has the effect of scheduling this coroutine for resumption by a thread running the reactor after the specified delay elapses and underlying timerfd descriptor becomes ready.

auto operator co_await()
    struct awaiter
        awaitable_timer& me;

        awaiter(awaitable_timer& me_) 
            : me{me_} {}

        bool await_ready()
            return false;

        bool await_suspend(std::coroutine_handle<> awaiting_coro)
            me.async_ctx.awaiting_coro = awaiting_coro;
            return me.rearm();

        void await_resume() {}

    return awaiter{*this};

The awaitable.cpp program demonstrates basic usage of the awaitable_timer type. The body of main() is essentially identical to its counterpart in vanilla.cpp apart from the divergence where instead of creating a new timerfd timer manually, we simply launch the waiter() coroutine which handles the setup of an awaitable_timer for us. Notice that the waiter() coroutine returns an eager_task rather than a standard task because we want the body of waiter() to execute eagerly; the first time that waiter() suspends is the first time that it awaits on the awaitable_timer instance with co_await timer.

coro::eager_task<void> waiter(
    int const           ioc, 
    unsigned long const n_expirations)
    using namespace std::chrono_literals;

    awaitable_timer timer{ioc, 1s};

    for (auto count = 0ul; count < n_expirations; ++count)
        co_await timer;

        puts("[+] timer fired");

Executing awaitable without arguments produces output identical to that of vanilla.

OSX: kqueue

Next up is an implementation of awaitable_timer on OSX backed by kqueue. The code for this portion of the post is located in the osx-kqueue directory on Github.

kqueue is the native event-notification system on several operating systems including OSX and many BSD variants. Like epoll on Linux, kqueue is a readiness-based system in which we (application programmers) register interest in kernel events and are then able to wait on notification from the kernel when these events occur. However, kqueue presents a slightly more general interface by introducing the notion of a kevent - a tuple of a unique identifier, a filter that describes the events of interest for the identifier, and (optionally) some user-provided context to associate with the identifier. Internally, the kqueue system uses the filter for each kevent to determine if the kevent is ready and, if it is, inserts the kevent onto the kqueue so that application code can later retrieve it.

The core API for kqueue consists of just two system calls:

  • kqueue(): This call constructs a new kqueue instance and returns a file descriptor that refers to this instance.
  • kevent() This call is used to both register new kevents with the kqueue instance as well as query any notified kevents that are already associated with the instance. In a way, the kevent system call functions as a combination of both epoll_ctl() and epoll_wait().

Another major difference between the epoll API and the kqueue API is that kqueue has “built-in” support for timers in the form of a timer filter. That is, whereas with epoll we had to use the timerfd API to construct a timer, associate this timer with the epoll instance, and subsequently wait for readiness of the timer via a call to epoll_wait(), with kqueue we need only specify the timer filter (EVFILT_TIMER) in a call to kevent() to add a new timer kevent to the kernel-maintained kqueue instance. Note that if you search for the OSX kqueue API (e.g. via Google) the top result from the Apple developer manual pages erroneously states that the EVFILT_TIMER filter is not supported on OSX.

As in the epoll example, the program vanilla.cpp demonstrates basic usage of the kqueue API to wait for system timer events. The setup is very similar to that used in the epoll example, so we’ll only cover the kqueue-specific divergences here.

First, we create a new kqueue instance via the kqueue() system call.

auto instance = unique_fd{::kqueue()};
if (!instance)
    throw system_error{};

Next, we use the kevent() system call to register a new kevent with the kqueue instance. Here, ident is simply a unique identifier for the event that is completely at our discretion. The EVFILT_TIMER member of the structure is the built-in filter that was described above, the EV_ADD flag specifies that we are registering new interest in this kevent (note that EV_ADD also implicitly adds the EV_ENABLE flag), and the NOTE_USECONDS setting for the fflags member specifies that the timeout that we specify in the data member is in microseconds. We do not utilize the optional udata member of the structure to pass additional context to the kevent.

struct kevent ev = {
    .ident  = ident,
    .filter = EVFILT_TIMER,
    .flags  = EV_ADD,
    .fflags = NOTE_USECONDS,
    .data   = us.count(),
    .udata  = nullptr

int const result = ::kevent(instance, &ev, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
if (-1 == result)
    throw system_error{};

The default behavior with the EVFILT_TIMER filter is to establish a periodic timer. This implies that the code above registers a kevent that will be inserted into the kqueue every us.count() microseconds until we disable it manually.

Finally, we use the kevent() system call once more to wait for notification that the timer kevent has been added to the kqueue.

struct kevent ev{};

for (auto i = 0ul; i < n_reps; ++i)
    int const n_events = ::kevent(instance, nullptr, 0, &ev, 1, nullptr);
    if (-1 == n_events)
        puts("[-] kevent() error");

    if (ident == ev.ident)
        puts("[+] timer fired");

    // something strange happened...

The overall structure of this program should feel very similar to that presented in the previous section with epoll. Running the vanilla executable without arguments goes through the steps above, waits for five notifications of the timer, and finally breaks the reactor loop and cleans up.

$ ./vanilla
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired
[+] timer fired

Constructing an awaitable_timer type on top of this API is straightforward; the implementation closely resembles that presented in the epoll example. Specifically, the operator co_await() member of the awaitable_timer is nearly identical to the one we saw previously:

// awaitable_timer
auto operator co_await()
    struct awaiter
        awaitable_timer& me;

        awaiter(awaitable_timer& me_)
            : me{me_} {}

        bool await_ready() { return false; }

        bool await_suspend(stdcoro::coroutine_handle<> awaiting_coro)
            me.async_ctx.awaiting_coro = awaiting_coro;
            return me.arm_timer();

        void await_resume() {}

    return awaiter{*this};

The only distinction here is in the implementation of arm_timer(). Whereas in the vanilla.cpp program we relied on the periodic nature of the timer kevent, here we only want the timer to fire once and not be re-inserted into the kqueue until we arm it again when the timer is co_awaited upon. We accomplish this behavior by specifying the EV_ONESHOT flag when we register the kevent with the kqueue instance:

// awaitable_timer
bool arm_timer()
    struct kevent ev = {
        .ident  = ident,
        .filter = EVFILT_TIMER,
        .flags  = EV_ADD | EV_ONESHOT,
        .fflags = NOTE_USECONDS,
        .data   = timeout.count(),
        .udata  = &async_ctx

    int const result = ::kevent(ioc, &ev, 1, nullptr, 0, nullptr);
    return (result != -1);

Usage of the awaitable_timer type is identical to that shown in the epoll example.

awaitable_timer timer{ioc, 0, 3s};

for (auto i = 0ul; i < n_reps; ++i)
    co_await timer;

    puts("[+] timer fired");

Two down, one to go.

Windows: The Windows Threadpool

There are a number of viable ways to create waitable system timers on Windows, and these different mechanisms significantly influence the approach that we take in making these timers compatible with coroutines.

The code for this portion of the post is located in the win-pool directory on Github.

The most obvious method for creating timers on Windows is via the waitable timer interface. However, some issues arise when attempting to integrate Windows waitable timers with the IO completion port event multiplexing interface. It is possible to address these issues and utilize this approach successfully to build awaitable system timers, but it requires a significantly more involved implementation. We’ll take a look at this approach in the subsequent section. For now, we’ll pursue a simpler approach that utilizes the Windows threadpool.

The Windows threadpool API allows one to submit various types of requests to a pre-allocated pool of worker threads managed by the operating system. The API is extensive, giving application-level programmers plenty of flexibility in working with the threadpool. Furthermore, because the threadpool is implemented by the operating system and even has some components that run in the kernel, it is able to take advantage of information regarding the threadpool’s current utilization to dynamically tune itself for optimal performance - something that is not possible in a user-space threadpool implementation. See this excellent video from Channel9 for more information regarding some of these optimizations that were introduced with Windows 8.

Among the operations supported by the Windows threadpool API is the submission of timer requests. One creates a new threadpool timer object (not to be confused with a waitable timer object) with CreateThreadpoolTimer() and subsequently submits this timer to the threadpool with SetThreadpoolTimer(). We specify a callback during timer creation, and when the timeout specified in the call to SetThreadpoolTimer() expires, a threadpool worker thread executes the provided callback.

With that introduction out of the way, let’s dive into integrating coroutines with the threadpool API. In the code samples that follow, I introduce an io_context type that wraps the Windows threadpool API. The definition of this type is unimportant with respect to coroutine integration with system timers; the class merely serves to encapsulate some (somewhat convoluted) logic that allows us to create a process-local threadpool rather than utilize the default system-wide threadpool. The results would be effectively identical without this additional abstraction.

The core of the implementation appears in the awaitable_timer.hpp header which defines the awaitable_timer type. The constructor for the type accepts a reference to the io_context instance that represents the threadpool to which this timer instance should submit timer requests as well as the timeout for this timer instance.

template <typename Duration>
awaitable_timer(io_context& ioc_, Duration timeout_)
    : ioc{ioc_}, timeout{}, timer{}, async_ctx{}
    // convert the specified timeout
    timeout_to_filetime(timeout_, &timeout);

    // create the underlying timer object
    auto* timer_obj = ::CreateThreadpoolTimer(

    if (NULL == timer_obj)
        throw coro::win::system_error{};


When the underlying timer object is created in the constructor of awaitable_timer, we specify on_timer_expiration() as the callback to be invoked on expiration of this timer and we specify that a pointer to our async_ctx member be provided as the optional context argument to this callback.

Our async_ctx member is nothing more than a wrapper around a coroutine handle; it need not be a distinct type at all, but this approach does allow for simple refactors in the event that we decide that we want to pass additional context to the callback in future updates to our implementation. We will see later that this coroutine handle is set in the await_suspend() member of the awaiter type for awaitable_timer and thus represents a handle to the coroutine that co_awaits on the timer’s expiration.

struct async_context
    stdcoro::coroutine_handle<> awaiting_coro;

The on_timer_expiration() callback is a static member of the awaitable_timer type. Its signature is dictated by the Win32 PTP_TIMER_CALLBACK type and it receives both a pointer to the callback instance as well as a pointer to the timer object that triggered its invocation when it is called. However, for our purposes, we only care about the optional user-provided context that is provided to on_timer_expiration() in the form of an opaque pointer (void*). The only action that we take when the timer expires is extract the coroutine handle for the awaiting coroutine from the asynchronous context passed to the callback and subsequently resume the coroutine:

static void __stdcall on_timer_expiration(
    void* ctx, 
    auto& async_ctx = *reinterpret_cast<async_context*>(ctx);

So we’ve seen how the coroutine that co_awaits the timer is resumed, but how does the coroutine submit the timer and suspend itself in the first place? The operator co_await() member of awaitable_timer defers this work to the timer_awaiter type:

timer_awaiter awaitable_timer::operator co_await()
    return timer_awaiter{*this};

As awaiters go, timer_awaiter is not particularly complicated. As we saw above, it accepts a reference to the awaitable_timer instance with which it is associated in its constructor, which it subsequently utilizes in its await_suspend() implementation in order to set the awaiting coroutine handle for the awaitable_timer instance. Once it has accomplished this, await_suspend() submits the timer request to the threadpool with SetThreadpoolTimer() and unconditionally suspends the awaiting coroutine.

class timer_awaiter
    awaitable_timer& timer;
    timer_awaiter(awaitable_timer& timer_)
        : timer{timer_}

    bool await_ready()
        return false;

    void await_suspend(std::experimental::coroutine_handle<> awaiting_coro)
        timer.async_ctx.awaiting_coro = awaiting_coro;
        ::SetThreadpoolTimer(timer.timer.get(), &timer.timeout, 0, 0);

    void await_resume() {}

Usage of this awaitable_timer implementation is analogous to the previous usages we have seen - we simply construct a new timer instance that is associated with our io_context threadpool wrapper and subsequently co_await the timer.

awaitable_timer two_seconds{ioc, 2s};

for (auto i = 0ul; i < n_reps; ++i)
    co_await two_seconds;

    puts("[+] timer fired");

And that’s all there is to it! The high-level nature of the Windows threadpool API makes integration with coroutines incredibly simple. However, if you compare this implementation with the epoll and kqueue examples we saw previously, we did lose something here: fine-grained control over the threads that drive execution of our coroutines. After successfully co_awaiting on an awaitable_timer instance, the body of the invoking coroutine will thereafter be executed by a thread that is managed by the Windows threadpool. This might be fine in some instances, and indeed ensures that system resources are utilized efficiently, but it lacks the “bring your own threads” level of control that was available in the epoll and kqueue models wherein we, the application programmer, were responsible for providing the threads that drove the reactor and ultimately resumed any suspended coroutines.

It is possible to regain this level of control on Windows, but doing so obviously necessitates that we ditch the threadpool API and migrate to managing timer expiration events with an IO completion port.

Windows: Waitable Timers and IO Completion Ports

IO completion ports are the standard for asynchronous event multiplexing on Windows. In contrast to interfaces like epoll() on Linux and kqueue on OSX which expose a readiness model, IO completion ports expose a completion model. That is, whereas with epoll we use epoll_wait() to wait for notification from the kernel that some file descriptor is ready for IO, with IO completion ports we initiate an IO request asynchronously (an operation that completes immediately) and subsequently wait for the operating system to notify us when the request eventually completes.

The fundamentals of the IO completion port API consists of the following operations:

  • Create a new IO completion port with CreateIoCompletionPort(); this function returns a handle to a new IO completion port object.
  • Register a handle with an existing IO completion port with CreateIoCompletionPort() (yes, the same function does both; poor API design in my opinion). The handle we register with the completion port is the handle for which we want to receive notifications on IO event completions. Many different handle types are supported, including regular (filesystem) files, sockets, pipes, etc. After registration with the completion port, we will receive notification of IO completion events on the handle we register via GetQueuedCompletionStatus() (see below).
  • Manually post completion events with PostQueuedCompletionStatus(). In contrast to events queued to the completion port via registered handles, this function allows us to manually post a completion event to the IO completion port. This functionality comes in handy for special-case events such as the handling of manual shutdown requests for server applications backed by a completion port.
  • Wait for completion events with GetQueuedCompletionStatus(). This function is typically invoked in a loop in order to repeatedly wait for a completion event and dispatch the corresponding action based on the event properties.

Now that we understand the basics of IO completion port interface, let’s turn our attention to Win32 waitable timers and begin considering how we might integrate them with a completion port-backed reactor.

With Win32 waitable timers, we create and set a timer via calls to CreateWaitableTimer() and SetWaitableTimer(), respectively. When the timer expires, the timer object becomes signalled, meaning that we can wait on expiration of a particular timer instance via WaitForSingleObject() or one of its variants. However, this mechanism does nothing for us in the context of integration with IO completion ports because it does not wake a thread blocked on GetQueuedCompletionStatus().

Alternatively, one may register a callback function in the call to SetWaitableTimer() that will be invoked upon timer expiration. This latter technique sounds like exactly what we need for coroutine integration, but the mechanics of how the callback is invoked pose some issues. Specifically, the operating system does not directly invoke the provided callback function upon expiration of the timer; instead, it queues an Asynchronous Procedure Call (APC) to the queue of the thread that made the timer request (i.e. the one that called SetWaitableTimer()). This introduces two issues:

  1. Standard Windows user APCs do not interrupt the currently executing instruction stream of the thread to which they are queued. This is a great feature in my opinion because it avoids all of the complexity that arises when you introduce truly-asynchronous OS-level event notification like you get with POSIX signals. Windows takes a different approach in which APCs in the APC queue for a thread are only executed in the event that the thread enters an alertable wait state. There are various Win32 function calls that cause a thread to enter such a state, including SleepEx() and WaitForSingleObjectEx(). On its own, the APC model is not a dealbreaker for integration with IO completion ports because the extended variant of GetQueuedCompletionStatus(), GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(), supports alertable waits.
  2. The APC that notifies timer expiration is always queued to the thread that created the timer. This implies that whichever thread calls SetWaitableTimer() in order to submit a timer request must also be the one that invokes the alertable wait function (SleepEx(), GetQueuedCompletionStatusEx(), etc.) that allows the thread to be notified on timer expiration.

This second point is the one that necessitates a more involved approach to waitable timer integration with IO completion ports. We want to achieve the same behavior that we implemented in the epoll and kqueue examples wherein we suspend a coroutine by co_awaiting on an awaitable_timer instance and move on, assured that this coroutine will be resumed by one of the threads running the IO service. Because of the limitation that the waitable timer callback is always queued to the thread that submitted the timer, we can’t support this behavior with the naive approach.

As a workaround, we’ll introduce a dedicated timer management thread. Instead of creating and setting their own waitable timers, our coroutines will instead send timer requests to the timer management thread which will subsequently submit these requests to the operating system on the coroutine’s behalf. When timers subsequently expire, the timer management thread will be notified via an APC and will in turn post a completion event to an IO completion port that is ultimately responsible for resuming our coroutines.

The source in win-iocp implements this approach. The code is significantly more involved than the previous examples so I won’t cover the entirety of the implementation here, but I will highlight the interesting parts.

The timer_service class encapsulates both the IO completion port that is capable of multiplexing arbitrary IO event completions as well as the auxiliary worker thread that is dedicated to managing timer submissions and expiration events.

The constructor for the timer_service launches the timer worker thread which runs the process_requests() function as its entry point. In this function, the worker thread enters a loop where it blocks on a queue pop() operation and submits a timer request to the operating system whenever it successfully dequeues a request from the queue.

unsigned long __stdcall timer_service::process_requests(void* ctx)
    // retrieve the timer service context
    auto& me = *reinterpret_cast<timer_service*>(ctx);

    for (;;)
        auto* req = me.requests.pop(TRUE);


Hidden behind this call to requests.pop() is the fact that the worker thread enters an alterable wait state while it waits on a nonempty queue. It is this alertable wait state that allows the timer worker thread to be notified by APCs when the timers that it submits eventually expire.

T* pop(BOOL alertable)
    ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(lock, INFINITE, alertable);
    while (is_empty())
        ::SignalObjectAndWait(lock, non_empty, INFINITE, alertable);
        ::WaitForSingleObjectEx(lock, INFINITE, alertable);

    // ...

A coroutine submits a timer to the timer service by co_awaiting on one of the timer_service members: timer_service::post_awaitable() or timer_service::post_awaitable_with_handle(). In the await_suspend() member of the returned timer_service::awaitable, we create a new timer request and push it onto the queue of timer requests.

std::unique_ptr<timer_request> request = /* ... */

// ...

service.requests.push(request, FALSE);

As we saw above, the timer worker thread sits on the other end of this queue, constantly attempting to dequeue and submit new requests to the operating system. Notice here that we always pass the timer request to the timer worker thread for submission to the operating system so that it can subsequently be notified via APC when the timer expired; if instead an arbitrary thread executing a coroutine submitted the request to the operating system, the timer worker thread would not receive this notification.

When a timer expires, the timer worker thread is notified via an APC and it invokes on_timer_expiration() callback function. In this function, the timer worker simply posts the timer completion event to the IO completion port so that it can be handled via the regular event dispatching logic.

void timer_service::on_timer_expiration(
    void* ctx, 
    unsigned long /* dwTimerLowValue  */, 
    unsigned long /* dwTimerHighValue */)
    auto* req = reinterpret_cast<timer_request*>(ctx);

        req->port, 0, 0, reinterpret_cast<LPOVERLAPPED>(req));

To complete the process, when a timer completion event is posted to the IO completion port, one of the threads that is currently executing timer_service::run() receives the notification that the timer expired via GetQueuedCompletionStatus() and subsequently invokes the callback function that is embedded in the request which, for requests initiated via a co_await on one of timer_service::post_awaitable() or timer_service::post_awaitable_with_handle(), consists solely of resuming the suspended coroutine.

Before wrapping up, there is one limitation to this implementation that I want to address: while it functions correctly, this approach is inefficient in terms of operating system resource usage. We create a new OS-level timer object for every request made to the timer_service. In these trivial example programs, this is not an issue, but in larger applications that might see hundreds or thousands of concurrent outstanding timer requests, this might become a performance bottleneck. One way to address this limitation is to manage our own queue of outstanding timer requests at the application level, and only ever have a single timer object that is managed at the operating system level for the timer with the earliest due time. This is the approach taken in more robust IO service implementations, such as the one provided by Boost.Asio and that provided in the CppCoro library.

Concluding Thoughts

We covered a lot of ground in this post. My hope is that it provides a broad overview of the various asynchronous event mulitplexing APIs provided by different operating systems and the way in which the distinctions between these APIs influence how we integrate coroutines with operating system services. Understanding the details of implementing this integration lays a solid foundation for developing coroutine support for other IO interfaces such as pipes and network sockets.

Written on August 25, 2020